13 Jul 2012

Five things Friday number 25

I will share every Friday five things.  I will place them in no order of importance, just five things.   I will try not to over-explain.  In fact, I will attempt to explain nothing at all…..

Five things I love about being a mother:

1.      Children love their mothers without reserve

Mother and Child Reading

2.      The perfect love I feel in my soul when I look at them

Cute Baby Picture

3.      The lessons I have learned by seeing life (and myself) through their eyes

child eye

4.      Hugs and kisses

5.      Chatting about everything and nothing

Mother and daughter resting on the bed talking Stock Photo - 11426560

If you’re a mother, what are the particular things you love about have kids?

1 comment:

  1. So sweet and lovely! Liking your new banner - very cool. Hope you are well. x


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