Here's just a quick look at a few of the items I've made for market so far. These are not all. There's about fifteen bags, twenty pens and twenty notebooks. I'm now almost finished with the six clutches and then I'll jump in with some more quirky bags. But my "staple" stuff is done, and if I don't get to finish the quirky bags I've got planned it's not going to be a train smash.
Pins and hairclips. No, that's not my packaging, it's just a box I keep them in for now.
Beach bags with HUGE inside pockets. Just basic totes, but really versatile:
This is another of my favourite shape bags. The fabric is fantastic! Sorry, I forget who the designer is.
And this is one of the six clutches in different satin and chinese prints. Just so pretty!
PS The teenage party was great - they all dressed up like 80's rockstars and much giggling was done. We ended up giving her a very expensive pendant which she will be able to wear for the rest of her life - classic never goes out of fashion. That's for the two of you who actually read this blog! ;-)
That black bag is so pretty! Glad your daughter's party was a success. :)