14 Aug 2011

No photos, just words

I'm keeping myself extremely busy.  I rarely have time to come and sit at the PC.
I hope you understand.
I'm doing my best to make a wide range of products to offer when I go to market.
Since I only have evenings to work on it, I'm sure you understand that I would rather sit at the sewing machine than at the PC.
Also, things are a bit difficult for me.
I've had some more mean things said to me by my boss' boss.  A very pretty lady with a very nasty soul.
Finances are really, really difficult and having my daughter's 18th birthday coming up has only made it worse.  I want to give her a FABULOUS party and a very meaningful gift - one that she can have for life.  So, instead of spending what little extra money I never have on supplies, I'm spending it on her. Of course.  As you might imagine, it forces me to come up with some very creative solutions for those unexpected problems that tend to come up.

The postal workers here have been on strike and I only hope that the winner of the shweshwe bag will receive her prize soon!

I hope to have some photos to post next week so that you can see what I've been working on for market.  (See a couple on the Make something! page)
Till then these (boring) words will have to do.



  1. Cecilia, I know you'll find some very special way to celebrate your daughter's birthday. erhaps the two of you can DO something special together, something you don't ordinarily do. Or even make her a special something. You're a very talented mama!

  2. Thanks Julie. As always you know just what to say!


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