27 Apr 2012

Five things Friday number 14

I will share every Friday five things.  I will place them in no order of importance, just five things.   I will try not to over-explain.  In fact, I will attempt to explain nothing at all…..

Five things I love: Books

1.  The Bible (except for being the Word of God, the Bible is filled with stories of people, places, experiences, emotions and a roadmap for life in general)

2.  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (I try to read this every year, and every year I cry)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.jpg

3.  The Belgariad (although not one book, but a series, it’s one fascinating story of fantasy)

Pawn of Prophecy cover.jpg Queen of Sorcery cover.JPG Magician's Gambit cover.JPG Castle of Wizardry cover.JPG 

4.  Anything and everything by Agatha Christie (Much like ABBA, few people will admit to liking something not grand enough, but I’ve loved Agatha Christie {and ABBA} since I was a little girl and I will continue to do so.)

5.  Wuthering Heights (also a book I try to read yearly.  I’m forever discovering new nuances in the story I’ve not noticed before – how pretentious is that?!)


Do you have favourite books you like to read over-and-over, or do you never go back?

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