Five things I love: Books
1. The Bible (except for being the Word
of God, the Bible is filled with stories of people, places, experiences,
emotions and a roadmap for life in general)
2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man (I try to read this every year, and every year I cry)
3. The Belgariad (although not one book,
but a series, it’s one fascinating story of fantasy)
4. Anything and everything by Agatha
Christie (Much like ABBA, few people will admit to liking something not grand
enough, but I’ve loved Agatha Christie {and ABBA} since I was a little girl and
I will continue to do so.)
5. Wuthering Heights (also a book I try
to read yearly. I’m forever discovering
new nuances in the story I’ve not noticed before – how pretentious is that?!)
Do you have favourite books you like to read over-and-over, or do
you never go back?