Miriam is a simple tote, made unique by the bright colourful stripe she was made with.
Continuing the stripe on the inside, but a bright green one:
I put her handles on the outside and stitched them down in a rectangle. They should last forever.
I didn't put any type of closure on her, as I really didn't think she needed it. She'll be a trusty workhorse for anyone who owns her.
Vashti was made from a print I totally fell in love with.
However, what I didn't realise is that this particular synthetic would be extremely hard to work with. It does not crease easily, even with an iron, but once the crease is there, almost impossible to get rid of.
Which is why the tiny hems on the ruffled was really hard to do. Also, the fabric frays like nobody's business. Which made it even harder!
I lined her with a grey/blue fabric that I suspect might be a silk, it's really gorgeous - again found on the off-cuts table. Unfortunately none of the millions of pictures I took really shows the true colour of the lining.
I used the same fabric on her handle, as the body fabric really just isn't strong enough to hold up under the wear a handle goes through on its own.
I used the co-ordinating stripe on the back. I must just say that although the prints are really pretty and all, there are TONS of flaws in them all. I did try to work around most of them, hopefully I didn't miss any major misprints.
Overall, I quite like the look of her, I think she might just be a very witty girl once one gets to know her better.
Well, what do you think so far? Did you read any of the other design stories?